Utilities for handling the GPSTime model


arange_gpstime(start_gpstime:GPSTime, duration_s:float, step_ms:float)

Create a list of GPSTimes in sequence.

The purpose of this function is to create a list that represents a sequence of GPSTimes of the specified duration with the specified step size.

This function is an analogue of the numpy.arange() function, but operates on GPSTimes.


start_gpstime : GPSTime The GPSTime to start the sequence duration_s : float The duration of the sequence, in seconds step_ms : float The step size, in milliseconds


List[GPSTime] The sequence of GPSTimes


Like numpy.arange, this does not include the final element. That is, if the start is at 0 with a duration of 5 and step of 1, the sequence would return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

See Also

numpy.arange() arange_datetime()


.. todo:: Determine if this still works if a np.ndarray is returned instead of a list


validate_gps_week(full_week:int, gps_week:int)

Validate that the week numbers are consistent.

This function validates that the full GPS week number (i.e. the number of weeks since 6 Jan 1980) and the mod-1024 week numbers are consistent. If they are not, it raises an error.


full_week : int The number of weeks since 6 Jan 1980 gps_week : int The mod-1024 GPS week




ValueError If the full_week and gps_week disagree